17 Simple Source Code Modifies to Make Today

There are plenty of ways to optimize your website and make it more search engine friendly. Luckily, you can find many simple source code tweaks to perform today. Here are some of the most common:

Check Your Title Tags

If you’re unsure about how to improve your titles and meta data, here are 20 easy source code tweaks you can make today. Duplicate title tags confuse both users and search engines, and it’s hard for them to determine which one is the most relevant. While using a canonical URL is the most popular method to solve this issue, it’s not always enough. Use a tool like ContentKing to track these problems.

Title tags should be descriptive and contain one or two of your most important keywords. You don’t want to overwhelm your visitors with too many keywords in the title, so it’s best to stick to one or two main keywords. To find out which keywords work best, check your analytics. If you’re unsure what keywords are performing the best, use them in your title. Often, the most effective titles are a combination of both.

The title tag is the main element on your website that describes the content of the page in a single sentence. It appears in search engine results pages and is considered the most important on-page SEO element. In general, it should be between two and five hundred pixels long and 30 to 60 characters long. Your most important keywords should be at the beginning of the title, not at the end. In August 2021, Google made a major change to its title generation system, making it even more important to focus on the headline. https://comicvine.gamespot.com/profile/backlinkboss/about-me/

Write Killer Meta Descriptions

Your meta description is the 3-second elevator pitch that will entice readers to click through to your website. Without a compelling meta description, you will be penalized by Google. While you may want to incorporate rich results and schema markup into your code, it is still essential to write an informative meta description. If you don’t know what to include, here are some helpful tips. To get started, start by thinking about your product offerings and unique selling propositions.

The length of your meta description should be no more than 120 characters. Using too many characters can turn off people and prevent your website from receiving the attention it deserves. Also, if you write too short a meta description, you might end up looking uninformed or vague. To avoid this, get straight to the point and include the most relevant information in the first 120 characters. This will encourage your readers to click through and see more of your content.

Add Some Structured Data

In short, structured data helps search engines better understand web users. It can be used in many ways, from identifying a website’s owner to preparing the site for future searches. For instance, a candidate’s website might include an official Facebook page, and the official page might be identical to an unauthorized one. In order to distinguish the two, the candidate’s website might include structured data, establishing a relational link between the page and the candidate’s campaign website.

Implementing structured data is not difficult, but it may seem complicated. To make structured data easier to use, you can use a free tool like Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper. This tool will ensure that the markup you use is accurate and makes your life easier. However, just because you add structured data markup to your source code doesn’t guarantee a Featured Snippet – and it can take weeks – does not guarantee success. backlinks

Check Your


There are several ways to check your website’s H1 and H2 header tags. You can manually check each page to see whether it uses the proper header tags or not, or you can use a free SEO analysis tool to do it automatically. In either case, it’s best to use a tool that can detect a variety of issues. Checking your headers in source code is essential if you want to improve your site’s SEO rankings.

One of the most crucial headings on your web page is the H1 tag. This tag is visible to both search bots and users. It provides a clear idea of what the page is about, and it helps search engines determine its relevance. Moreover, if you’re using a blog, you can use the H1 tag to help improve the page’s layout. Adding an H1 tag is important for a website’s SEO.

Add Alt Text to Your Featured Image

If you’d like to increase the quality of your featured images, you should consider adding alt text to them. The alt text should be descriptive, but not keyword-stuffed. The goal is to have the user imagine the image, and the text should reflect that. To avoid being penalized by search engines, be sure to use descriptive text that matches the image’s content. Read on to learn how to add alt text to your featured images.

First, add a meaningful title for your image. This will ensure that readers can easily understand what they’re reading. Make sure to make the title at least 125 characters long. You should also avoid using generic alt text terms. Depending on the image, it may require a long text description. Fortunately, the process is similar in both WordPress and Shopify. Simply head over to the image editing screen and find the option to change the alt text. Once there, enter the relevant text into the field provided.

Check Your Canonical Tags

It’s essential to check your canonical tags in source code, as the absence of these can lead to canonical chains and cross-references. You should also ensure that the target pages of your canonical links don’t refer to other pages. A free tool, such as Ryte, will help you discover whether you’re missing canonical tags on your website. Ryte’s comprehensive report will help you pinpoint problems, and allows you to drill down into target categorization, usage, and status codes.

When you add canonical tags, you can prevent duplicate content problems. It’s important to use an absolute URL when naming your canonical URL, as this is how Google will read it. You can also use lowercase URLs if you’d prefer, as uppercase URLs may be interpreted differently by Google. Also, make sure you use the appropriate version of your domain in your canonical tags.

Make Sure Your Pages Can Be Indexed

One of the most basic SEO practices is to Make Sure Your Pages Can Be Indexed. You can do this by adding a sitemap to your site. A sitemap tells Google which parts of your website are important and what needs to be changed. It also helps the search engine see alternate language versions of your site. The following are a few tips to make sure your pages can be indexed. These steps will ensure that Google finds your pages in the search engine results and rank them accordingly.

The first step is to create a sitemap. Sitemaps help Google discover all of your pages. In addition, you must set up an account in Google Search Console to track indexing issues. Using Search Console makes it easier to diagnose problems. Make sure you update your sitemap regularly, as well as the content on each page. If you find that a page is not being indexed, try republishing it.

Analytics Tagging Problems

If you’ve been struggling with Analytics tagging, you should try making the 20 following changes to your source code today. Hardcoded tracking events will result in data duplication and are easy to miss as a developer. You can try using Chrome Developer Tools to check if auto-tagging is enabled. This will enable your tags to run automatically and avoid errors. Another simple tweak is to enable auto-tagging for your tracking code in your analytics dashboard.